Alzheimer Writeup HackMyVM
The penetration test commenced with a scan using nmap, which identified open and filtered ports. An anonymous FTP login revealed a .txt file with port knocking instructions. Knocking on ports 100...
The penetration test commenced with a scan using nmap, which identified open and filtered ports. An anonymous FTP login revealed a .txt file with port knocking instructions. Knocking on ports 100...
The penetration test began with a nmap scan, which revealed that ports 22 (SSH) and 65530 were open. Further enumeration using Gobuster on port 65530 led to the discovery of the nt4share director...
Psyber care : Nurturing Mental Health for Technical Minds In the dynamic world of hacking and pentesting, mental agility is key. But as we dive deep into the complexities of cybersecurity, sometim...
In the enumeration phase, an FTP server with anonymous login was discovered. Upon further investigation, a key was found and successfully decrypted, revealing subdirectories and a logo. Decryptin...
The enumeration phase involved scanning for open ports and directories using tools like nmap and gobuster, revealing SSH and HTTP services. Further exploration uncovered a cipher that, when decry...
Through this machine, we learn about various enumeration techniques, including using tools like Nmap, Nikto, and WhatWeb to identify open ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities. We also e...
This process highlights the importance of enumeration and scanning for vulnerabilities to gain initial access to a target system. Through this machine, one can learn the importance of thorough re...